Ever wanted to know how to give the best Sensual Massage? Here, you’ve just found what you need to know and do to deliver it.
1) Make sure you have plenty of time before doing any kind of massage, particularly sensual, because time is one of the most important ingredients, apart from you and your massage partner.
2) Ensure you have the necessary space and make it really comfortable with cushions, pillows, curtains, throws, candles and any other luxury items that add to the atmosphere. Make sure the space is also at a really comfortable temperature.
3) Ensure there are no distractions or other things pressing which you need to get out of the way. Your massage won’t be effective or enjoyable for your partner if you keep stopping or starting because you’ve just remembered something else that needs doing. Get everything out of the way before you begin.
4) Decide on whether you want snacks and food to hand. This can make the massage extra special, especially if it’s a favourite food you both enjoy together. This can be really lovely if you like to swap massage, it’s just a way to make the occasion more abundant.
5) Choose music that pleases both of you. Unless you prefer to have quiet, putting music on adds to the overall sexiness of the occasion.
6) Make sure you breathe. Breathing is key to good massage – and it’s just as important for the person receiving the massage as the person giving it. The more oxygen present in both of you will heighten awareness and make your pleasure a hundredfold better.
7) Use warm luxury oil, such as coconut, rice bran, or other mix, making sure your partner has no allergies to the oils you use. Using warm oil is a beautiful experience for your partner. Depending on preference, you might choose to add essential oils to bring scent to your massage as well. Avoid using cold or room temperature oil at all costs, and, most importantly, ensure you haven’t used it for cooking. There’s nothing worse than making your partner feel like they’re being served up alongside fish and chips.
8) If your partner has any slightly sore or aching muscles, it’s really considerate to give those areas some dedicated massage before moving on to the sensual side of the massage. It shows that you care, that you’re patient and that you’re interested in pleasing them.
9) Move to making your touch far more slow, gentle and light. If your partner enjoys a heavier touch, then mingle it in with light touch, then go to slightly heavier touch. Try not to consciously think about anything other than the pleasure you get from giving your partner pleasure. Let your touch go wherever it feels natural and enjoyable. Close your eyes. Really feel your partner. Discover them as though they have words on them which you can feel, rather than needing eyes to see. Go incredibly slowly, then slow down even further. Imagine making your massage so slow that anyone watching could not see your movements. This can make your massage totally sublime.
10) Ensure you listen, observe and respond to the reactions your partner has to your touch and aim to give them the most amazingly memorable time they have ever known. Never rush at any point and, if you do feel more excited, remember not to give in to your pleasure, but make it even more delicious, gentle and teasing than ever. It’s an art that simply cannot be rushed.
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Massage costs
Prices range from £150 for 1 Hour to £300 for 2.5 hours depending on your needs. Appointments require a 50% non-refundable deposit. Full details here.
Loyalty cards are stamped for you on each session. When you’ve got your card stamped 9 times, your 10th massage is free of charge!
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