
Articles you want me to write about. In this blog post, I’m taking the opportunity to ask you what you’d like me to write articles about.  I’ve been finding lots of different ways of being productive. Writing some great articles for you would also be a great use of time.

I’ve spent a while, building particularly meaningful relationships with guys, who asked me various questions. Some concern really interesting self-development issues.

Some are from beautiful men who’ve unfortunately suffered at the hands of others in abusive relationships.

What articles would you like me to write about?

While writing this new post, I felt it could help you all in meaningful, and human, ways. For instance, I can give some (edited) case studies. It’s surprising how often many different people experience the same problems, and how I can manage to help you overcome them.

Ideas for articles

Because I realise there are many, very shy men among you, you might have a question you find difficult to talk about, but which I’d be happy to write articles on. I realise you have many more questions than those I answer on the questions and answers page. They are just a few of the questions I get asked.

There are probably many other questions, or, other massage-related things you would find of interest. lots of guys have asked me if I have uncensored videos. I do, but they can’t be on the website. Please get in touch if you are interested in them.

Get in touch with ideas for articles

I encourage you to get in touch via email, or even Whatsapp,  I’m happy to spend some time answering things that you’d like me to write about. Especially things you would find very informative and helpful.

This will create many helpful resources, available for everyone to read. It can expand the knowledge base of the website to help you make informed decisions, and will help give different perspectives on my art.

Get in touch, and let me know what you’d like me to write about. I welcome your ideas.

By Published On: May 11, 2020

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Prices range from £150 for 1 Hour to £300 for 2.5 hours depending on your needs. Appointments require a 50% non-refundable deposit. Full details here.

Loyalty cards are stamped for you on each session. When you’ve got your card stamped 9 times, your 10th massage is free of charge!

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