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So far steve has created 18 blog entries.

My 10 best tips for giving the best sensual massage

My 10 best tips for giving the best sensual massage. This is an article to help you and your partner (or a single person you might meet up with!), some really lovely, useful information, so you can give each other the best possible sensual massage.

1. Allow enough time.

Make sure you have plenty of time. before doing any kind of massage, particularly sensual, because time is one of the most important ingredients, apart from you and your massage partner.

2. Ensure you have enough room.

Make sure you have the necessary space, and make it really comfortable with cushions, pillows, curtains, throws, candles , any other luxury items that add to the atmosphere.

3. Have the space at a comfortable temperature.

A great massage needs to be done in an environment where you feel warm and cosy- unless it’s the middle of summer, then you might need to be cooler.

As long as you feel no awareness of the temperature of the room, then it’ll be just right. Bear in mind, though, that your temperature does drop during massage. Especially if it’s sensual, and you have no clothes on. So make sure the space is how you both feel most agreeable before you start.

4. Ensure there are no distractions.

You will need to make sure anything pressing is sorted out before you begin. Anything on your mind, not surprisingly, will affect how well you do the massage.

If you have a worry, or something in your head which you wish wasn’t there, then you won’t properly immerse yourself in the massage, and enjoy the moment properly. Any other things pressing, which you need to get out of the way, need to be dealt with first.

Your massage won’t be effective, or enjoyable for your partner, or you, if you keep stopping and starting, because you’ve just remembered something else that needs doing.

Get everything out of the way before you begin. That includes turning off your mobile devices. No distractions means precisely that. No distractions.

5. Decide on whether you want snacks and food to hand.

This can make your massage extra special, especially if it’s food you both enjoy together.

This can also be really lovely if you like to swap massage. It’s a way to make the occasion more abundant.

6. Choose music that pleases both of you.

Unless you prefer to have quiet, putting music on adds to the overall sexiness of the occasion.

7. Make sure you breathe.

Breathing is key to good massage, and it’s just as important for the person receiving the massage, as the person giving it.

The more oxygen present in both of you will heighten awareness, and make your pleasure a hundredfold better.

8. Use warm luxury oil, such as coconut.

Make sure your partner has no allergies to the oils you want to use. Using warm oil is an even more beautiful experience for your partner.

Depending on preference, you might choose to add essential oils, to bring scent to your massage as well. Avoid using cold or room temperature oil at all costs. Most important than ever, please ensure you haven’t used it for cooking.

There’s nothing worse than making your partner feel like they’re being served up alongside fish and chips!

9. If your partner has any slightly sore or aching muscles.

It’s really considerate to give those areas some dedicated massage, before moving on to the sensual side of the massage.

It shows them that you care, that you’re patient, and demonstrates your interest in pleasing them. Once you’re done with those, make your touch lighter, and much slower.

Making your touch far more slow, gentle and light, is a definite tease. If your partner enjoys heavier touch, then mingle it in with light touch, then go to slightly heavier touch.

Try not to consciously think about anything, other than the pleasure you get from giving your partner pleasure.

Let your touch go wherever it feels natural, and enjoyable. Close your eyes. Really feel your partner. Discover them as though they have words on them, which you can feel, rather than needing eyes to see.

Go incredibly slowly.  Then, slow down even further. Imagine making your massage so slow, that anyone watching could not see your movements. This can make your massage totally sublime.

10. Ensure you listen, observe and respond to the reactions your partner has to your touch.

Aim to give them the most amazingly memorable time they have ever known.

Never rush, at any point. If you do feel really excited, breathe, and slow right down. Pull back on your own pleasure throttle, as if you’re flying a plane. Keep yourself in the air, for as long as possible.

Remember not to give in to your pleasure, but hold on to it. Hold the moment. Make it even more delicious, gentle, and teasing than ever, for them, and for you.

It’s an art that simply cannot be rushed. You’ll be truly amazed at how you’ll both feel, and how the massage takes you on a fabulous sensual journey of discovery together.

Above all else, Enjoy! Remember, there are no rights or wrongs. It an opportunity to find sensations that are new, unexplored, and fun together.

By |2024-02-16T18:06:48+00:00July 27, 2022|

Erotic massage

Erotic massage is tender, intimate stimulation and touch of the body, where the receiver can experience heightened sexual feelings, without the need to have sexual intercourse.

Does erotic massage do us good?

In a nutshell, yes, it does. Erotic massage causes your body to produce large amounts of Oxytocin. Oxytocin has different effects in men and women. In men, it is instrumental in the contraction of the Vas Deferens.

The Vas Deferens is a sperm duct. It’s a muscular tube, which connects from a man’s epididymis, to his pelvic cavity, behind the bladder. It’s connected to his urethra via the ejaculatory duct.

In females, Oxytocin promotes uterine contractions during childbirth, and stimulates the contractions of the breast tissue to aid in lactation.

This can greatly reduce stress, both physically, and mentally. Oxytocin is one of the Endorphins our bodies produce, which are natural, drug-free pain-killers. These are produced in abundance, especially during erotic massage.

Erotic massage is a beautiful, explorative, experience. It’s an excellent way to discover our sexual energy, and sexual side, in greater depth than perhaps we might ordinarily.

Why some fear erotic massage

We often fear having erotic massage. Because, over many years, erotic massage has, among other subjects, where sexuality is involved, become a social taboo. I was, ironically, a few years ago, specking with my GP about this. She, like me, felt that we should speak about sex more than other subjects.

We’d all save a great deal of our lives being unhappy and uncertain, instead, more fulfilled, happier to talk about something we enjoy, and would be much more likely to find our almost perfect partners earlier on in life. But we don’t. We are afraid to discuss it, because we expend far too much energy, worrying about what other people around us might think. All because of social norms.

The following scenario is quite worryingly common. I’d just finished a massage with a rather beautiful young man. As he was getting dressed, after having a bath, he said,

“I’m going to be really red-faced on the train, now.”

“Really?” I enquired. Why’s that?”

“Everyone will know what I’ve just had, won’t they?”

“How will they know? I never, ever discuss massage with anyone else, nobody but you and I know. I certainly won’t be telling anyone.”

“I just feel so guilty.”

“Do you have a partner?”

“No. I just feel really guilty. I’ve absolutely loved every second of what I’ve had with you. I just know everyone will be sniggering at me, now.”

Social expectations

What could I say to reassure him? Where did all the anxiety, and guilt come from? It can only have it’s foundation on how he perceived people would regard him. I feel genuinely sorry for anyone who experiences this.

I can offer all the assurance of confidentiality in the world, but, sadly, this cannot prevent social morals interfering with someone’s true happiness.

Other similar situations are men who arrive, with their hoodies pulled up over their heads. It’s as though they feel they have to conceal themselves because of what they love to experience with me.

Again, these feelings are outside my control. Nobody knows why this happens, other than the unfortunate, and intense social expectations placed on how young men should maybe, behave. It has a very damaging, and deeply psychological impact on the mental health of otherwise happy, healthy, and normal men.

They consider themselves looked at, different, ashamed to be themselves. All because of the social lack of acceptance with who someone happens to be, or where they’re at.

Benefits of erotic massage:

Some of the benefits of erotic massage are as follows.

  • Boosting sexual stamina
  • Improves your self-confidence
  • Relaxation
  • Increased energy
  • Helps in reducing Insomnia
  • Can help you have better relationships with partners
  • Enhances your immune response

Boosting sexual stamina:

Massage, in general, stimulates the whole nervous system. This naturally increases the body’s ability to produce sex hormones.

Erotic massage can, over a long period, enable you to have a great improvement in your sexual stamina. Instead of focussing on sexual arousal and going straight into ejaculation, the aim here is to enable you to bypass the tendency to rush headlong into wanting to cum. You can, over time, learn to separate full-body orgasms ( which are bloody wonderful) from ejaculation, which happens to be a completely involuntary muscular response.

You stamina will be well and truly improved when you learn to do this. It takes time, patience, both on your part and your therapist’s part. No pressure. No hurry. Just gradually increasing your awareness and control so you can last for as long as you want to. When you master that, you’ll be the best lover in the world!

Erotic massage is primarily intended to enable you to do this. It’s no good if you’re just feeling horny, and want to simply “get off.”

Improving your self-confidence:

If goes without saying, that being able to control your sexual self will lead to an increase in your self-confidence. You won’t be anxious when you want to have fun in the bedroom with your partner.

You’ll be able to last for ages. When we’re not able to last any length of time in bed at all, it is both frustrating for us as guys, and also for your partner, when you’re trying so hard to please them. So great crotch control = great self-confidence! You can be more confident with who you are, and not so shy and uncertain about your physical self.


We all need to have a form of escape from life’s madness and bustle. Massage is often used as a lovely way of being pampered. However, erotic massage goes up a whole new level.

Increased energy:

When you can learn to control when you ejaculate, full body orgasms can cause your brain to produce stem-cells. These can begin to repair broken neural pathways, and renew cells that need it. It can be incredibly healing.

A good series of full-body orgasms are capable of correcting many poor alignment problems in your body. This is because your body can, during full-body orgasm, lose control, making you arch your back, convulse, shout, scream, laugh, shudder, kick, and the greatest effect can be felt in your head, and is utter bliss. Many men love full body orgasms so much, they actually prefer them to the brief one you feel in your loins when ejaculation takes place.

This increases the available energy in your body, and you find you have more that you realised. Conversely, when you finally ejaculate, it will blow your mind, and it will, when you actually do ejaculate, cause you to feel quite exhausted. So the longer you can last, the higher your energy levels will be.

Can help you have better relationships with partners:

Erotic massage can enable you to explore refreshing ways of achieving greater fulfilment and joy. You might find you learn something new about yourself, that you could share with your partner. You could even learn ways in which your partner could

Enhances your immune response:

Having regular massage reduces the amount of Cortisol, which is a major stress hormone in the human body. Your immune system is pushed much less hard when you have reduced Cortisol. Erotic massage floods your body with Dopamine, which makes you feel incredibly good.

It reduces and balances your production of Cortisol, which assists in relaxation, sleep, and immune system function. The more calm you can be, the better your immune system is able to fight off infections.

As previously mentioned near the beginning of this article, we also release Oxytocin. It’s often referred to as one of the Love hormones.

In many ways, erotic massage can be thought of as a life-saver. You can contact me if you’d like to book a session with me. You can then find out just how much good it could do for you. There have been several studies, which show that during sexual arousal, hormones (Oxytocin already mentioned), dopamine, Seratonin, and Norepinephrine, all enable us to cycle through deep sleep and non-deep REM sleep. During these sleep cycles, or immune systems release Cytokines. These are proteins responsible for targeting infection and inflammation. So having good sleep is vital for healthy immune responses.

No outcomes

Another thing about erotic massage is that it should have no outcomes. It should just beautifully unfold, with no preconceptions. Once anyone starts to have any kind of expectation, be it fantasy, or realistic, their state of relaxation, and perception of pleasure, is notably diminished.

This is because expectations cause us to start over-thinking. It limits our ability to relax into just exploring what we’re feeling at the time. It can then become selfish, and the focus is no longer on personal relaxation and enjoyment for its own sake.

It turns something from being absolutely beautiful and magical into something that must have an outcome. Which leads us on to the next subject ( that some might consider boring) of setting boundaries.


Boundaries are necessary in all parts of our lives, no less so for erotic massage. That’s so it can be the best possible.

Failure to discuss boundaries, or to communicate what you’re feeling, and being uncomfortable with something, can ultimately lead to dissatisfaction.

Doing effective, dedicated erotic massage means working in our stretch zone. We have three, principal zones:-

  • Comfort Zone = where we’re happy to be
  • Stretch Zone = where we start to feel uncomfortable, even challenged
  • Panic Zone = where we really dread being, or where we feel totally uncomfortable, and out of control.

These zones gradually morph over time. As children, we’re constantly pushing boundaries. We do that to see what we can get away with. To learn what our parents expect from us, what would not be allowed, and what would be. Ultimately this guides our social, work life, and personal life, and everything related to it. Certain situations we’re faced with, might cause us to be forced into: either a stretch zone, or a panic zone.

Comfort Zone:

The comfort zone is where we believe we feel we’re at our happiest. However, often, to progress in career opportunities, or to become stronger emotionally, we need to enter our Stretch Zone.

Stretch zone:

Our Stretch Zone could be a bit like this scenario:

You’re asked to do a presentation on a certain subject, in front of an audience of co-workers, or people you don’t know. You’re in your stretch zone if you’d find this possible, and could, at a push, do it.

You’d be in your panic zone, if you felt you were unable to do it at all. Your pulse might going through the roof, with panic setting in. and you’re maybe try and do everything, to avoid being in such a situation.

It’s human nature, and how some of us cope with certain situations, and others cannot, and freeze, go into fight or flight, or shut down completely.


During erotic massage, both you, and me, are quite vulnerable. Having intimate touch from someone you don’t know can be daunting. Remember, too, that I often find myself, during massage, being put frequently in my stretch zone.

There are occasions when, as therapists, we can feel ourselves heading toward our panic zone. This is usually triggered when someone ill-mannered, presumptuous, or entitled, thinks they have the right to ignore the boundaries that have been set.

It can turn what could be a wonderful massage, into a struggle, bordering on being a fight. This makes work extremely demanding.


From experience, and my own observations, such people are very rough, heavy-handed, and, indeed, often quite brutal. Slapping, groping, expecting a therapist to engage in sex-acts with them. This is neither desirable, nor respectful. It’s actually everything but. It also happens to be illegal.

This has been mentioned on my website already, so I won’t go into it in too much depth here. Suffice to say, I have no contractual obligation to be touched, unless I desire it.

As John Cleese always said, “Always one, isn’t there?”

One, who has no respect for boundaries another person has set, or those a masseur sets. One who believes he’s entitled to totally disregard all the rules. The false belief he has a divine right to force himself, or his will, upon someone else. Even without consent.

Such a person has no right to do this whatsoever.

The best erotic massage is had by those who follow the following list of points:

  • Close your eyes
  • Relax
  • Keep your hands by your side
  • Don’t move your hands unless I move them
  • Breath
  • Make lovely, long, resonant sounds on your out breath
  • Tune into the rhythm of the music
  • Relax your ass

Close your eyes:

Closing your eyes is obviously optional. However, when your eyes are closed, you will notice heightened sensations over your whole body. Not only will it add more mystique to it. It will amplify every, beautiful, sensation. That’s because you will have no idea of where I’m likely to touch you next. The anticipation can be incredible, and will make your massage feel as though you are in heaven.


Relaxing is really the essence of allowing me to give you the most wonderful, unhurried and delicious touch. If you are distracted, thinking about doing other things, rather than settling to let me do my job, then you’ll lose focus on all your beautiful sensations, and your enjoyment will be reduced.

Keep your hands by your side:

This is by far the most comfortable way to be when I’m  doing your massage. If you choose, you can put your hands by your head, depending on how your mood takes you.

Don’t move your hands unless I move them.

Just for clarity, I use magic glue. In other words, I move your hands if I need to. Other than that, they say where they are, and never move, unless you wish to be more comfortable. They don’t touch me at any point.


Breathing is singularly the most simple way to achieve some amazing benefits from having your erotic massage. Take huge, big lungfuls of air, right down intro your tummy. Breaths that are known as diaphragmatic breaths. They allow you to flood your body with oxygen, and will give you powerful feelings of enjoyment from the erotic massage.

Using your diaphragm correctly while you breath helps keep you relaxed and calm. The diaphragm is attached to a central tendon, which goes up and around the connective tissue round your heart. Breathing deeply in this way has profoundly effective effects of reducing stress, because, in a way, it massages your heart.

This, in turn,  keeps your whole central nervous system in a state of great calmness. Remember, when you are very calm, your body is under less stress, because of reduced levels of the stress hormone, Cortisol.

Make lovely, long, resonant sounds on your out breath

When you make long, resonant sounds, on your out breath, it helps keep you breathing beautifully throughout your massage. Long, resonant sounds ( like you’re singing “Ahh,” or “Ohh,”) will also add to the pleasure you are experiencing.

Making sounds is fundamental to your erotic massage really taking you places. If you stay quiet, that’s entirely fine. However, you’ll enjoy it way, way more, if you resonate on your out breath. It’s self-expression without limits. Quite delicious.

Resonating is a way of expressing your feelings. If you can remember, when you were younger, trying to masterbate quietly ( so that nobody knew what you were up to )! You probably remember the resulting orgasm being quite disappointing. Conversely, by being very vocal, you turn the tables on that.

It’ll give you an absolute banger! You’ll blow your mind. But don’t take my word for it. You only have to watch the video. 🙂

Tune in to the rhythm of the music:

Tuning in to the rhythm of the music helps give you a focal point, which isn’t hard and fast; it’s just another thing in an armoury of tools you can use to help you keep in control of your body, especially if you think you’ll explode too early.

Don’t feel you have to be completely still. Moving your body to the rhythm of the music during your massage will help you enjoy it far more. We don’t do nearly enough of that!

Relax your Ass:

Relaxing your ass will help you to relax your whole body. Our asses are one of the epicentres which are the first to become very tightened and tense, especially if we’re anxious about anything. Letting your ass relax, by shaking it, squeezing your ass cheeks together on your in breath, and relaxing it on your out breath, make a huge difference to the sensations you feel.

It’s also excellent exercise for your pelvic floor muscles. I always encourage men to squeeze their ass cheeks together nice and tight. It’s not only to give me a lovely view, it greatly enhances your pleasure when I’m doing massage on your butt. 😉

By |2024-02-12T15:09:24+00:00July 1, 2022|

Articles you want me to write about

Articles you want me to write about. In this blog post, I’m taking the opportunity to ask you what you’d like me to write articles about.  I’ve been finding lots of different ways of being productive. Writing some great articles for you would also be a great use of time.

I’ve spent a while, building particularly meaningful relationships with guys, who asked me various questions. Some concern really interesting self-development issues.

Some are from beautiful men who’ve unfortunately suffered at the hands of others in abusive relationships.

What articles would you like me to write about?

While writing this new post, I felt it could help you all in meaningful, and human, ways. For instance, I can give some (edited) case studies. It’s surprising how often many different people experience the same problems, and how I can manage to help you overcome them.

Ideas for articles

Because I realise there are many, very shy men among you, you might have a question you find difficult to talk about, but which I’d be happy to write articles on. I realise you have many more questions than those I answer on the questions and answers page. They are just a few of the questions I get asked.

There are probably many other questions, or, other massage-related things you would find of interest. lots of guys have asked me if I have uncensored videos. I do, but they can’t be on the website. Please get in touch if you are interested in them.

Get in touch with ideas for articles

I encourage you to get in touch via email, or even Whatsapp,  I’m happy to spend some time answering things that you’d like me to write about. Especially things you would find very informative and helpful.

This will create many helpful resources, available for everyone to read. It can expand the knowledge base of the website to help you make informed decisions, and will help give different perspectives on my art.

Get in touch, and let me know what you’d like me to write about. I welcome your ideas.

By |2023-04-23T18:31:22+00:00May 11, 2020|

Uncensored gay massage videos

Uncensored gay massage videos are great for those of you wanting to see what I do in all it’s glory. The videos convey the authentic, patient, nurturing and dedicated aspects of what I do. It is, from the great feedback I’m always having, the most erotic massage video you’ll ever find on the internet.

Helping overcome stress with videos

To help overcome stress, I’ve been editing and putting together some uncensored gay massage videos. I have several, none of which are too long. Some men appear to find a full 90 minute session boring to watch, because the happy ending never happens until almost the very end. I’m regularly adding new and updated videos to the collection, so check back regularly to see the latest ones. 🙂

I’ve now done several, the newest ones are at the top of this list:

  • What happens in a gay sensual massage session, lasts 30:57 minutes.
  • Uncensored Tantric Massage, lasts 7:00 minutes.
  • Cock Massage, aka an A to Z or Lingam Massage (a short excerpt from the Lingam Massage DVD).
  • Uncensored Deep Tissue Sensual Massage lasts 6:39 minutes.
  • Cock Massage video, lasts 7:05 minutes.
  • Uncensored Gay Massage Video, lasts 7:11 minutes.
  • Uncensored Erotic Gay Massage with cum-shot at the end, lasts 20:05 minutes.

Due to the ever evolving  state of various hosting platforms, I’m presently experiencing problems with xylo space. My videos have been hosted there for some considerable time. unfortunately, having recently tried to login, and update the profile, I’ve found to my dismay that my account doesn’t appear to exist.

I’ve never received any notification that the hosting was changing, so its somewhat frustrating. All the video content there has been lost or deleted by them, without receiving any notification. I’ll update the moment I’m able to sort something else out. Until then, the videos are unavailable, unless you would like to buy a hard copy.

If this is the case, please send a large capacity USB flash drive to me through the post. Please ensure you enclose a stamped addressed envelope for it’s return. You then transfer the modest fee of £30.00 to my bank account. After that, I’ll load the videos onto your flash drive, and post it back to you.

If you’d like to do this, please get in touch, ask me, and I’ll give you the necessary bank details for payment, and the address for you to send your USB flash drive and stamped addressed envelope. I recommend a drive with at least 64GB capacity.

Because of the nature of them, they’re impossible to host on this website.  The vast bandwidth used, when viewing them, would result in my website hosting being disabled. That, in effect, would mean my website would be completely inaccessible.

When they were hosted on Xylospace, I had an enormous number of compliments about them. I’m frequently told that my sensual gay massage videos are the most beautiful, sensual, gentle videos you’ll ever find anywhere on the Internet.

I’ve had some lovely emails, telling me how much guys have enjoyed watching me do erotic massage.

I look forward to loading the videos on your sticks… pun intended.

By |2023-05-21T07:12:06+00:00April 18, 2020|

Questions and answers page

Questions and answers is a new webpage I’ve just created, which will hopefully answer any questions you might have about the massage, and things generally related to it.

I’ve updated the link to the page in the navigation menu in the dashboard of my website. It now appears to show up properly in the navigation menu, which it didn’t before. If you wish to, you can use this link to access it questions and answers page.

It’s a work in progress- there will always be new questions cropping up, and each time one appears, I’ll put it on the questions and answers page and update it each time. I’ve no idea what the questions will be until someone thinks of one. It’s nice to be able to answer a completely unexpected question, and enjoy the challenge of doing so-  it’s very refreshing!

It’s there to help you with something you might not have time to ask me directly over the phone, and it’ll save you time sending me a text when the answer you seek is on the new page. If it isn’t, don’t forget to slap my wrists and tell me, so it can be added at a later stage.

Hope you find it useful. Don’t forget to send any other questions for suggestion and inclusion on it.

By |2023-04-09T21:14:51+00:00June 10, 2018|

Best gay male massage – what goes into it?

Which qualities go into the best gay male massage?

As to what makes the best gay male massage is a very subjective question. There are many different men, each seeking something different from the massage. Male massage can very from being Swedish, deep tissue, possibly sensual, often referred to as erotic, and in some cases called tantric. Tantric is, of course, a philosophy. All massage is something I consider very sacred.

You could visit, and have massage, from 1000 different masseurs. Every experience would be completely unique. This is because the combination of client and masseur is different, though a massage often differs even when a masseur works with the same client more than once.

Beings with energy constantly in motion

We forget that we are beings with energy that’s constantly in motion – hence the term emotion. Our feelings, thoughts, needs and desires, beliefs and dreams all change frequently. If you start doing something ten minutes earlier than you intended, it’s conceivable that the way you feel about it, and even how you go about it, are different to what they might be ten minutes later.

Massage is very similar. To give you the very best male massage, I go almost into a state of meditation. I always believe the finest work I do is when I have a completely clear mind. That way, I can be at one with your Soul. I always make sure I don’t have any distractions. That gives powerful focus.

I remember giving a rather beautiful Indian man a massage –  which I can vividly recall feeling as though I was swimming in a lovely, gigantic, colourful lake, that was man-shaped. Being aware of hues of cyan, cobalt blue, azure, indigo, orange, yellow and gold, made it one of the most splendid spiritual journeys I ever went on.

When I’d finished massaging him, I felt very moved by the beauty of all those lovely colours and the state of my own emotions. Imagine, also, what my reaction was when he said to me,

“That was a splendid and powerful massage, Steve. You were swimming in my Soul!”

When I mentioned my experience while massaging him, he didn’t seem in the slightest bit surprised!

How deliciously spooky was that? I felt I had a glowing, sunny, radiant and enlightened state for some considerable months afterwards. Energised and refreshed. It was a fantastic energy, infectious and joyful. It’s also made a huge difference to other men I’ve massaged.

Men can tell I’m very tactile and love touch. They feel it from the moment I begin the massage until I stop. By ensuring your comfort, and listening to how you want me to tailor your massage, are just a few things that go into making your massage special, memorable and enjoyable.

Sometimes, when I ask a man what he wants his massage to be like, he’ll say to me,

“Oh, you know, you’re the masseur, just do what you always do.”

But, of course, I can’t, can I? I cannot, because what one guy might want his massage to be like, another probably wouldn’t.

So I always ensure I ask how you want your massage to be. I use pressure and touch-depth for different purposes. Some men love intensely deep, weighty touch, otherwise they’d feel short changed. Others might prefer the touch to be extremely gentle or very slow and sensual. There’s no right or wrong.

It’s one of the aspects about massage that I truly love. I never know what someone is going to ask for their male massage session. It’s refreshing, unique, intriguing, and above all, a journey of discovery for me. It improves my own understanding of humanity, and physical contact.

It definitely improves my art and enables me to hone it. To polish it such, that I aim to make you feel like you are a gleaming gem. Because you deserve to shine.

Just like the beautiful, shining star you were born to be.

By |2024-02-12T15:07:02+00:00January 12, 2018|

10 tips for giving the best sensual massage

Ever wanted to know how to give the best Sensual Massage? Here, you’ve just found what you need to know and do to deliver it.

1) Make sure you have plenty of time before doing any kind of massage, particularly sensual, because time is one of the most important ingredients, apart from you and your massage partner.

2) Ensure you have the necessary space and make it really comfortable with cushions, pillows, curtains, throws, candles and any other luxury items that add to the atmosphere. Make sure the space is also at a really comfortable temperature.

3) Ensure there are no distractions or other things pressing which you need to get out of the way. Your massage won’t be effective or enjoyable for your partner if you keep stopping or starting because you’ve just remembered something else that needs doing. Get everything out of the way before you begin.

4) Decide on whether you want snacks and food to hand. This can make the massage extra special, especially if it’s a favourite food you both enjoy together. This can be really lovely if you like to swap massage, it’s just a way to make the occasion more abundant.

5) Choose music that pleases both of you. Unless you prefer to have quiet, putting music on adds to the overall sexiness of the occasion.

6) Make sure you breathe. Breathing is key to good massage – and it’s just as important for the person receiving the massage as the person giving it. The more oxygen present in both of you will heighten awareness and make your pleasure a hundredfold better.

7) Use warm luxury oil, such as coconut, rice bran, or other mix, making sure your partner has no allergies to the oils you use. Using warm oil is a beautiful experience for your partner. Depending on preference, you might choose to add essential oils to bring scent to your massage as well. Avoid using cold or room temperature oil at all costs, and, most importantly, ensure you haven’t used it for cooking. There’s nothing worse than making your partner feel like they’re being served up alongside fish and chips.

8) If your partner has any slightly sore or aching muscles, it’s really considerate to give those areas some dedicated massage before moving on to the sensual side of the massage. It shows that you care, that you’re patient and that you’re interested in pleasing them.

9) Move to making your touch far more slow, gentle and light. If your partner enjoys a heavier touch, then mingle it in with light touch, then go to slightly heavier touch. Try not to consciously think about anything other than the pleasure you get from giving your partner pleasure. Let your touch go wherever it feels natural and enjoyable. Close your eyes. Really feel your partner. Discover them as though they have words on them which you can feel, rather than needing eyes to see. Go incredibly slowly, then slow down even further. Imagine making your massage so slow that anyone watching could not see your movements. This can make your massage totally sublime.

10) Ensure you listen, observe and respond to the reactions your partner has to your touch and aim to give them the most amazingly memorable time they have ever known. Never rush at any point and, if you do feel more excited, remember not to give in to your pleasure, but make it even more delicious, gentle and teasing than ever. It’s an art that simply cannot be rushed.

By |2023-04-03T20:02:00+00:00July 12, 2017|

Self help massage tips for dealing with headaches

Headaches can be quite debilitating. They are among the highest percentage of instances where people are unable to work and call in sick. This applies equally to migraines. The causes of many migraines and headaches are stress and tension related, and others where certain trigger foods run a close second. A surprising number can be caused by subconsciously biting your teeth together. First, take yourself to a quiet, comfortable sound-free space, if possible. Preferably, lay yourself down and try to let all your muscles go floppy. Lay a folded towel under your head. Lightly close your eyes. Allow your jaw to be just comfortably open. Take big, deep, focused breaths.

Then, begin to explore the muscles on your face with the fingers or thumbs. Can you feel any which are quite painful when you press on them? If so, you’ve probably found one of the trigger points for your headache. If you’re not taking any medication for heart conditions, or to thin the blood, then you can safely press and circle over the triggers. The reason I mentioned about medication is that even gentle pressure can cause bruising, especially if you’re taking warfarin.

Some of the trigger points can feel quite painful when you work on them. Remember to press and circle the offending muscles slowly and progressively. If you find one which appears to amplify your headache, take it gently. First, press, and circle. Is it painful? Does the pain recede over a period of 10 seconds? Are you aware of any other muscles which are related to, and contributing to your headache?

They must all completely release before your headache will go. There are many triggers. Some are in the forehead, others on the cheek (zygomatic) bones, in the muscles of that area. Others can be present in the rear of the jaw just below the earlobes. These can be major contributors to headaches so painful you can feel quite sick with pain. Gently attack them. Press, breathe, circle, press further in, breathe, circle. Can you find any others that feel as tender?

They also exist in the orbital cavities (the periphery of the eye sockets), and often at the top of the bridge of the nose adjacent to the eye sockets. Please be mindful around the eyes, because pressure applied in this area can press contact lenses uncomfortably against the eyes. I would recommend them removed before working round the eyes.

Others triggers can be found on the back of the head, at the base of the skull, known as the occipital. The muscle that traverses from the occipital bone, over the head to the forehead and down to the eyes is the Occipitofrontalis muscle. There can be regional tension anywhere along this muscle, and good, deep, invigorating massage with thumbs and fingers can lift an enormous amount of tension and help you feel much better.

Necks and shoulders are also prone to tension, because their muscles are linked to the head and used to move it, as well as being used for a huge amount of other movements. The human head weighs an average of 14 pounds, so think of the work your muscles have to do in a day.

As a great takeaway, here’s a really good shortcut you can use. This is often the best way to start finding the triggers, because it makes you aware of which ones they are: open the mouth as hugely wide as possible. Screw the eyes shut as tight as you can. Stick out the tongue as far as possible. Do this for 10-20 seconds, then relax. Remember how important it is to breathe throughout anything like this. Ingress of oxygen really helps relieve tension, so take really huge big lungfuls. And be careful not to do this on a tube train or bus-someone might be irreversibly scared!

By |2024-02-12T15:09:34+00:00July 12, 2017|
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